Aktuality - Biometrie

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BioNyfiken očipuje zaměstnance švédského Epicenter

3.2.2015 | SEO specialista a copywriter Daniel Beránek

Zaměstnanci firem sídlících ve švédském technologickém inkubátoru Epicenter budou moci tisknout, či se dostat do budovy a na své pracoviště pomocí RFID čipu nastřeleného do ruky. V rámci testu jim to nabídla bio-hackerská skupina BioNyfiken.

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 4958x | Rate: 1/1

Otisky prstů v novém Samsung Galaxy S5 je možné podvrhnout

17.4.2014 | .cCuMiNn.

Je tomu teprve pár dní, co se dostal do prodeje nový model populárního smartphonu Samsung Galaxy s označením S5, a už začínají vyplouvat na povrch jeho první slabá místa.

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 1 | Viewed: 4463x | Rate: 0/0

Technologie rozpoznávání obličejů se začíná masově nasazovat u amerických policistů

18.11.2013 | Batou

Policisté ze San Diega mají rozhodně z čeho vybírat - k dispozici mají databázi s téměř 400 000 obličeji.

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 1 | Viewed: 4801x | Rate: 3/2

Biokryptologie: konec podvodů s identitou

25.10.2013 | SEO specialista a copywriter Daniel Beránek

Londýn, 24. října – V Londýnském muzeu vědy byla dnes uvedena na trh služba Biocryptology. Ta má spojit bezpečné sejmutí biometrických dat, jejich šifrování a vysoce zabezpečenou autentifikaci. Vlastník, společnost Primary-Net, prohlašuje, že se „krádeže identit stanou v podstatě nemožnými“. Klaas Johannes Zwart, CEO Primary-Net, biokryptologii označuje za „největší pokrok v identifikační technologii od vzniku internetu.“

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 3 | Viewed: 5181x | Rate: 1/1

Mega-D Botnet Overtakes Storm, Accounts for 32% of Spam

2.2.2008 | BUSLab

Stony Stevenson writes "The new Mega-D Botnet has overtaken the notorious Storm worm botnet as the largest single source of the world's spam according to security vendor Marshal. This botnet currently accounts for 32 percent of all spam, 11 percent more than the Storm botnet which peaked at 21 percent...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 3894x | Rate: 0/0

Critical Skype flaw discovered

18.1.2008 | BUSLab

Flaw can turn videos into weapons.A new programming error in eBay's Skype communications software could give cyber-criminals a new way to sneak their malicious software onto a victim's PC. ...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 4268x | Rate: 0/0

Apple patches security hole with iPhone update

13.11.2007 | BUSLab

Apple has released a patch to close the widely reported TIFF bug that provided an entry point for potential ne'er-do-wells, as well as a toehold for developers of third-party apps for the device. ...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 3943x | Rate: 0/0

salesforce.com users exposed to phishing scam

7.11.2007 | BUSLab

The Washington Post says that:Salesforce.com acknowledged that a recent spate of targeted e-mail virus and phishing attacks against its customers resulted from one of its own employees falling for a phishing scam and turning over the keys to the company's customer database.The company is remaining tight lipped about...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 3946x | Rate: 0/0

Identity Theft Study

7.11.2007 | BUSLab

Interesting study: "Identity Fraud Trends and Patterns: Building a Data-Based Foundation for Proactive Enforcement," October 2007. It's long, but at least read the executive summary. Or, even shorter, this Associated Press story:...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 4359x | Rate: 0/0

Cyberwar claims Belgian bank victims

7.11.2007 | BUSLab

Reports that hacking gangs have struck at least three Belgian banks have sent ripples through financial circles...First indications suggest that a Russian criminal gang may have been responsible for the hackings that have caused at least 15 clients to have suffered considerable losses.Although the hackings had been conducted...

Rubrika: Biometrie | Comments: 0 | Viewed: 3906x | Rate: 0/0

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