Welcome dear friends! KARAT offers telephone service attack!
Phone floods.
Telephone flooding is a continuous flow of calls, congestion and link units, which negates all attempts to reach the subscriber.
We work with mobile, fixed-line and multi-channel number all over the world!
For our work we use only highly professional equipment and software, which allows us to guarantee success in the performance of any of your request with a probability of 99%.
How it works:
-On The phone of the victim receives a call the subscriber.
-After The user receives a call, it must be instantaneous automatic reset and re-dialing. Instead, a continuous drop, you can play audio. It all depends on what results you want to achieve.
-If The called party rejects the call or the line is busy, so it should be a review.
-If The caller hung up the phone, the system will still continue to try to contact him. And once again, calls will immediately be included again begin to flow.
Denying service phone to any landline phone or mobile number around the world.
Non-Multiline and IVR systems are supported.
You can specify the intensity of the attacks and time.
In addition, we can provide services to replace the phone number!
Play your friends and colleagues. Simple, fun and absolutely legal. Calls spoofing phone numbers!
Services are provided by the rules.
$ 1 per line / per hour
$ 20 per line / 1 day ( 24 hours non stop. )
$ 89 per line / per week (7 day 168 hours non stop. )
Payment methods: Bitcoin.
15 - minute test will provide free.
It may refuse to carry out the test without explanation.
Our contacts:
ICQ: 99 10 90
SKYPE: karat991090
Mail: karat991090@gmail.com
Jabber: 991090@exploit.im
Coupon orders from 10:00 to 23:00 Moscow time.
A knock on the contacts! Work For You!
Tags: phone flooding, the attack on the phone, dial the attack, ordered the phone flood, ordered the flood to the phone book flood on a mobile phone, the substitution of numbers, the substitution of a phone number, the substitution number when calling, calls with the substitution of numbers, substitution of SMS phone number, the substitution of mobile numbers iphone substitution numbers, caller ID replacement, substitution numbers android phone book flood, flood, phone, mobile phone, flood, flood of phone calls flood landline phone, order a replacement phone number, phone kill, sip, sip flooder, flooder, rings flooder, sip rings flooder.
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