Kali linux dual boot


Kali linux dual boot#
Ahoj, Snazim se naistalovat kali linux spolecne s Windows 7. Nasel jsem si oficialni tutorial ale program gparted mi vyhazuje tuhle chybu:

root@kali:~# gparted
libparted : 2.3
Input/output error during read on /dev/sdb
Can't have a partition outside the disk!
/dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label

je nejaky zpusob jak chybu opravit a vytvorit oddil ?
predem dik

yagarea10.11.2014 16:44
re: Kali linux dual boot#
/dev/sda: unrecognized disk label:
Two root causes for this message are as follows:

1) The device does not contain a partition table.

If the device does contain data then perhaps the entire device is formatted with a file system. It is also possible that the device is part of some other data structure, such as a RAID. In these situations there is no partition table to edit.

Otherwise, if this is a new disk device then the device is most likely empty. In this case you would proceed to create a partition table and at least one partition to prepare the disk device for use.

2) The type of partition table is not recognized by GParted.

If the device contains data, then perhaps the device is using a new type of partition table. GParted supports many commonly used partition tables, such as msdos or gpt, but not all types of partition tables are supported. In this situation you would need to determine what type of partition table is in use. Then you could seek out other partition management tools to edit the partition table.

[link] ;)
11.11.2014 0:10

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