Hnz2 | 85.71.231.* | 18.10.2012 20:37 |
| Level 5
EXE soubor nemá běžný PE formát je to VB 3.0 aplikace. Po prohnání dekompilátorem následující kód:
Global Const gc0006 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqr
Global Const gc000A = "[link]"
Sub cmdLogin_Click ()
If edtUsername = Mid(gc0006, 56, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 28, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 35, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 3, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 44, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 11, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 13, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 21, 1) Then
If edtPassword = Mid(gc0006, 45, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 48, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 25, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 32, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 15, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 40, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 25, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 19, 1) Then
MsgBox "Level 6 can be found at: " & Left$(gc000A, 37) & Mid(gc0006, 21, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 29, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 32, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 12, 1) & Mid(gc0006, 14, 1) & Mid(gc000A, 44, 6), 0, "Horray!"
End If
End If
MsgBox "Invalid username and/or password!", 0, "ERROR!"
End Sub
Sub Form_Load ()
Me.Move (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub
z kódu je pak jednoduché zjistit už link na další level: [link] |