sg11.tk_ | 83.208.167.* | 17.1.2009 2:42 | # |
| 2KillAll Most: [link]
Jinak si myslim ze nikdo nebude vyuzivat linux jen proto, ze je zadarmo...
Ja linux pouzivam na urcite veci, a jednou bych ho chtel dobre ovladat, a mit jej prizpusobeny do posledniho detailu. To je pro mne duvod proc jit do linu, a ne to ze sem socka. |
| killall most:
Postovani podobnych kravin mne nezajima. Mne zajimaji argumenty, ne machrovani a tvareni se, ze jsi velkej borec.
Btw. Visty na CD? Hehe, no to urcite :D
Navic zrovna tenhle tvuj post je typickou ukazkou, jak lidi soudi Win Vista. Na prvni pohled je videt, ze ten kdo to psal, v zivote Visty nevidel, ale kritizuje je. Jak trapne a ubohe...
Vazne mi radsi napis jediny dovud, proc bych mel pouzivat neco jineho.
Btw. na oznaceni "noob" jsem dost haklivy. Muzes mi prozradit, co z tebe dela tak vyzraleho a zkuseneho jedince, ze mne oznacujes slovem noob? Doufam, ze nereknes, ze pouzivani tucnaka, jinak jsi jeste vetsi zoufalec, nez jsem myslel...
public static void main(String args[]){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented!");
Emkei | | |  | 16.1.2009 23:46 | # |
| pravdepodobne odstavku, uz je to nekolik dni (vcetne serveru |
jozef | 78.99.237.* | 16.1.2009 21:56 | # |
| neviete co je s, je chyba u mna, alebo maju nejaku odstavku....? |
| Kde se posledni dobou flakas prdelaci?:D zacina tu bejt nuda:D:P:D |
__( | )__. | 213.151.78.* | 16.1.2009 17:33 | # |
| jezis, dalsi profi hekr.... |
killall most | 87.236.199.* | 16.1.2009 15:53 | # |
| pr0ph3t: jsi n00b:
Surpassing XP, Vista will be the world's largest and most powerful computer virus. It's Codename is Longhorn, and it is manufactured by the Beast of Redmond aka Microsoft. It will try to lure people in to buying the overly priced piece of shit by stealing transparancy ideas from Mac OSX and making secure command lines similar to Linux. It will only work with certain "security enabled" monitors, so most home users will have to upgrade (again) and some notebook users will be fucked. I have a AMD 64 3200+ with 2 gigs of ram and an 80 gb HDD and I am still running Win2k, although Debian is my main weapon of choice. Vista is already undergoing numerous trademark lawsuits, and it will be replacing NTFS with WinFS, which means support for the FAT's may decline.
late 2006/ early 2007
Me: What's that cd you haave there?
noob: Windows Vista.
Me: What is your primary computer use?
noob: h4xorng!!!!!!!!!!! and web surfing. t3h 1337.
Me: *breaks CD*. You will be fine with this. *Hands him win3.11 cd.
noob: N0!!!!!!!!!!! |
babca | 193.86.144.* | 16.1.2009 15:08 | # |
| Btw nevim,a le ja kdyz jsem se pokousel zzit s visty, tak jsem proste po tydnu vzdal, jelikoz mi to snad ve vsech ohledech nevyhovovalo. At uz ovladanim a nastavovani, tak i funkcnosti atp. Podle me je mejlepsi OS od microsoftu MS W XP SP2-3. Ale bohuzel se vetsina firem vyprdla na ovladace pro XP, tak bohuzel na novych masinach XP asi clovek nerozjede.
Btw na XP rozjedu vsechno potrebny (MS VS 2005) a vic nepotrebuji.
Jinak pouzivam gentoo v terminalu (obcas s FB kvuli filmum :D) |
| killall most>
Pouzival jsi je nekdy? Pokud ano, dyl nez mesic? Pokud ne, tak nekritizuj.
Uplne miluju "Linux us3rs STFU ja jsem king nejvetsi", kteri pouzivaji tucnaka, protoze jsou to socky, ktere nemaji penize na kloudnej OS a tvarej se, ze jim to tak vyhovuje.
OS je od toho aby ti slouzil a fungoval. Ne aby ti delal hracku. Tuhle specifikaci pro desktop Linux nesplnuje a jeste dlouho splnovat nebude.
public static void main(String args[]){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented!");
killall most | 24.216.126.* | 16.1.2009 12:20 | # |
| pr0ph3t:
Vista $hit
Visualize Windows XP, a perfectly fine if occasionally clunky OS. Now make it eat three times as much system resources, have stupidly high system requirements, and because that's not shitty enough throw in a Big Brother DRM scheme that's guaranteed to fuck over anyone who isnt a hardware geek. And verily, you have experienced the binary turd better known as Windows Vista.
It costs $300 and doesn't really offer anything that XP doesnt. Is it any wonder people arent jumping on the Vista bandwagon?
Vista $hit
The Next P.O.S. Operating System from Microsoft. Formerly Code Named 'Long Horn'.
Windows (L)User:"Hey Dude, After using XP for so long I can't wait to experience Vista!"
Linux User:"It's still going to be Shit; You should use Linux."
Windows (L)User:"But Microsoft Vista Is gonna have neato things like "Virtual Folders", whatever those are. Sounds Technical! I want to use it."
Linux User:"...WTF? STFU!" |